Bookmarks for 15 dic 2009 from 18:36 to 19:16

These are my links for 15 dic 2009 from 18:36 to 19:16:

  • Making Open Source Convenient | JumpBox Virtual Appliances and Applications for Cloud Computing – It's a ready-to-deploy virtual computer that contains a pre-configured instance of an application. Self-contained, secure and optimized – it gives you the value of Open Source software without the headaches. A JumpBox has the following qualities:

    Easy to deploy on Mac, Windows or Linux.
    Portable across operating systems and cloud environments.
    Simple to manage with a web-based administration interface.
    Protected by a built-in, automated backup system.
    Isolated from interfering with existing software.
    Flexible to allow you to move between virtual and cloud systems.
    Proven through collective usage of thousands of people

  • Waldemar Mark Duszyk – Un blog su AIX molto bello, lezioni, trucchi, script.
    Materiale base e avanzato
  • Troubleshoot Connections through the PIX and ASA – Cisco Systems – This document provides troubleshooting ideas and suggestions for when you use the Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) and the Cisco PIX 500 Series Security Appliance. More often than not, when applications or network sources break or are not available, firewalls (PIX or ASA) tend to be a primary target and blamed as the cause of outages. With some testing on the ASA or PIX, an administrator can determine whether or not the ASA/PIX causes the problem.
  • Ricerche IT » Sniffing del traffico di rete con Cisco ASA 5505 – Può capitare, alle volte, di trovarci nella necessità di dover fare troubleshooting sulla nostra rete in conseguenza di un qualche malfunzionamento (software o hardware che sia); in alcuni casi, può essere estremamente utile “sniffare” il traffico di rete, cioé avere in una qualche forma comprensibile all’essere umano l’insieme (o, più spesso, un sottoinsieme) delle comunicazioni che avvengono sulla rete[…]