Bookmarks for 25 gen 2010 from 15:08 to 18:02

These are my links for 25 gen 2010 from 15:08 to 18:02:

  • How to build a Social Networking Website with Drupal – – With this article I want to explain how you can plan and build a Social Networking Website using Drupal. The intent of the post is to provide useful tips and informations to understand the issues behind the building of a working on-line community. This writing was inspired by the reading of two interesting books, Community Building on the Web: Secret Strategies for Succesfull On-line Community and Drupal 6 – Social Networking. It’s clear that in a post I can provide only some useful cues to make a well-done work. I suggest to read the books above mentioned if you want to know more about the techniques and best practices for developing a good web network service.
  • Teambox | Project collaboration – Collaboration just got better
    A place for your team in Twitter-like project collaboration tool.

    Share tasks, messages, files. Get notified by email. Real group collaboration for your projects!


    […] Per ogni progetto sono disponibili un’area per le conversazioni, una per i vari compiti assegnati, una per le pagine ed un’altra per i file caricati dagli utenti. Teambox permette di fare più o meno le stesse cose possibili con Basecamp, con il vantaggio però di essere un sistema gratuito ed open source che potete persino installare sul vostro server[…]

  • The Heartbeat User’s Guide – The definitive reference guide for users of the Heartbeat cluster messaging layer.