These are my links for 30 gen 2010 through 7 feb 2010:
- flashrom – flashrom is a utility for identifying, reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash chips. It's often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images.
via ossblog - glype proxy script – free anonymous proxies list – Glype proxy script is a free-to-use, web-based proxy script written in PHP. Similar to a typical proxy server, a web-proxy script downloads requested web pages and files and forwards them back to the user. The service is provided by a web page itself, which allows instant access to the proxy without editing your browser connection settings[…]
via .mau.
- Repairing and re-registering the WMI – If you experience behavior when using WMI, such as application errors or scripts that used to work are no longer working, you may have a corrupted WMI repository. To fix a corrupted WMI repository, use these step…
- Tuning the AIX file caches – Wikistix – By default, AIX is tuned for a mixed workload, and will grow its VMM file cache up to 80% of physical RAM. While this may be great for an NFS server, SMTP relay or web server, it is very poor for running any application which does its own cache management. This includes most databases (Oracle, DB2, Sybase, PostgreSQL, MySQL using InnoDB tables, TSM) and some other software (eg. the Squid web cache).
Common symptoms include high paging (high pgspin and pgspout in topas), high system CPU time, the lrud kernel thread using CPU, slow overall system throughput, slow backups and slow process startup.
For most database systems, the ideal solution is to use raw logical volumes. If this is not acceptable, then direct I/O and concurrent I/O should be used. If for some reason this is not possible, then the last solution is to tune the AIX file caches to be less aggressive