Bookmarks for 23 lug 2012 from 14:20 to 14:37

These are my links for 23 lug 2012 from 14:20 to 14:37:

  • Nagrestconf README – What is Nagrestconf?
    Nagrestconf is a REST interface and configuration GUI for Nagios.
    Nagrestconf is written in Bash and PHP.
    Specifically, Nagrestconf:
    allows Nagios configuration files to be written using a REST api.
    allows the server to be restarted using the REST api.
    provides a configuration Web GUI built on the REST api.
    It can be useful for:
    Bulk loading
    Bulk editing
    Catching common configuration mistakes
    Configuration Delegation (using additional tools)
    Distributed monitoring (using additional tools)
    Not all of the Nagios directives are implemented, refer to the Status section.
  • Oracle Linux: A better alternative to CentOS – We firmly believe that Oracle Linux is the best Linux distribution on the market today. It's reliable, it's affordable, it's 100% compatible with your existing applications, and it gives you access to some of the most cutting-edge innovations in Linux like Ksplice and dtrace.

    But if you're here, you're a CentOS user. Which means that you don't pay for a distribution at all, for at least some of your systems. So even if we made the best paid distribution in the world (and we think we do), we can't actually get it to you… or can we?

    We're putting Oracle Linux in your hands by doing two things:

    We've made the Oracle Linux software available free of charge
    We've created a simple script to switch your CentOS systems to Oracle Linux
    We think you'll like what you find, and we'd love for you to give it a try.

  • configure time service on AIX host – Waldemar Mark Duszyk – First, you have to decide/select the appropriate devices to be your time providers. It could be one or more “official/public” time servers or maybe your routers. When you decide what these servers are you should validate that they deliver what you need and that you are (your host) is capable to receive and use what is delivered.

10 responses to “Bookmarks for 23 lug 2012 from 14:20 to 14:37”

  1. We, mi son perso qualcosa sul futuro di CentOS? Vedo che i bookmark sullo switch a Oracle Linux aumentano …

  2. Nin zo. Io so solo che, stima a parte per tutti quelli che concorrono al successo dell’open source. Preferisco lavorare su un aix di 15 anni col mirrorvg monco piuttosto che mettere mano su una centos.
    Detto questo, ad un collega si è incraniata una oracle unbreakable su cui girava ovviamente un oracle 11 di produzione, perché ha messo dentro al lettore un CD…
    Il bello dell’informatica diciamo :D

  3. LOL
    Non credo che chiuda il progetto, quanto meno non ho letto nulla.
    (E cmq al limite si vola a Dublino, secondo me usano debian li ;) )

  4. eheh, ho il cervello completamente in bamba, faccio una fatica assurda a tenere la concentrazione. Quando devo scrivere una mail di lavoro, comincio a sudare :)