Bookmarks for 13 ago 2012 from 13:00 to 15:00

These are my links for 13 ago 2012 from 13:00 to 15:00:

  • Relaxing rain audio for work, play and sleep
  • Fake S3 – Save time, money, and develop offline « – Amazon S3 is a extremely powerful service at the core of Amazon Web Services. However, outside of a production environment, S3 can be challenging to work with. It involves passing keys around, provisioning user accounts, and a reliable network connection — not to mention it costs money.

    At Spool, we built Fake S3 to make working with S3 in development and testing environments much easier. Our goal was to make a self contained executable that can mimic the majority of S3 Rest API with few external dependencies.

  • fake-s3/jubos – FakeS3 is a lightweight server that responds to the same calls Amazon S3 responds to.
    It is extremely useful for testing of S3 in a sandbox environment without actually making calls to Amazon, which not only require network, but also cost you precious dollars.

    The goal of Fake S3 is to minimize runtime dependencies and be more of a development tool to test S3 calls in your code rather than a production server looking to duplicate S3 functionality. Trying RiakCS, ParkPlace/Boardwalk, or Ceph might be a place to start if that is your goal.

    FakeS3 doesn't support all of the S3 command set, but the basic ones like put, get, list, copy, and make bucket are supported. More coming soon.