These are my links for 25 mar 2014 through 28 mar 2014:
- blblack/gdnsd – gdnsd is an Authoritative-only DNS server. The initial g stands for Geographic, as gdnsd offers a plugin system for geographic (or other sorts of) balancing, redirection, and service-state-conscious failover. The plugin system can also do things like weighted address/cname records. If you don't care about these features you can ignore them :).
- How to Create and Apply Patches in GIT using diff and apply Command – Creating a patch in GIT is a great way to share changes that you are not yet ready to push to a public branch of a project.
- Your own Dynamic DNS in 3 steps | The Nexus – This is a "niche" post: it will really only appeal to you if you have access to your own — or a friend's — name servers and want to use your own domain to track your dynamic IP addresses, such as your home router's. You will still have to buy your own domain, cheap if you go to or I hear that the latter even provide their own dynamic DNS service although I cannot tell you anything about its quality/flexibility. So, why this post? It's for you, my friends, budding entrepreneurs who wish to bootstrap your business and know that every cent counts. Maybe you feel that you could host your product's web site on a home computer. Maybe you need more control over what happens on that server. Or maybe you want to be able to log on to your development machine from anywhere in the world. Whatever your reasons, you're still here. So let's get started.
- Apache – Prefork or Worker | Code Bucket – Apache is the most common and famous webserver. Everyone knows about apache and most of us also have hands on experience with apache. But few of us know that apcahe2 comes with 2 multi processing modules(MPMs): 1. Prefork 2. Worker
- Ottimizzazione di Apache, dall’analisi ai parametri – […] I recenti sviluppi nel campo della virtualizzazione hanno accelerato la moltiplicazione di ambienti virtuali vps a basso costo, molto convenienti ma a volte carenti dal punto di vista delle risorse di sistema. Molto spesso questi ambienti vengono utilizzati a scopo di testing o come ambienti di produzione all'interno dei quali viene implementato l'utilizzo di un web server. Apache, come ben sappiamo ,e uno dei web server piu diffusi e nella maggioranza dei casi rappresenta la scelta di default su un grandissimo numero di installazioni […]