Bookmarks for 30 apr 2014 through 6 mag 2014

These are my links for 30 apr 2014 through 6 mag 2014:

  • Ralentir le débit de postfix pour wanadoo/orange – Le blog de Michauko – Si vous avez un serveur d’envoi de mails (je ne parle pas d’être un spammeur) et beaucoup d’abonnés chez Wanadoo et Orange, vous risquez fort le rejet temporaire de votre serveur si le débit d’envoi est trop fort. C’est ce qui m’est arrivé et hop, 5000 mails entassés dans la file de postfix.
  • refused to talk to me: postfix solution | – Orange sadly limits inbound connexion to it’s MX to 1 connexion per IP, which is a total pain in the ass when you try to deliver newsletter, or manage a MTA. Here is a sample log from their MX: Jul 4 10:42:42 postfix/smtp[32347]: 0123456789: host[] refused to talk to me: 421 mwinf5c34 ME Trop de connexions, veuillez verifier votre configuration. Too many connections, slow down. OFR004_104 [104] However, since they won’t change anything, we have to take mesures, here’s what you can do if you run postfix: you have to set a per-destination concurrency limit.
  • Aral Balkan: Historical Archive — How to revert (roll back) to a previous revision with Subversion – Here, then, is a very simple, plain English explanation of how to revert to a previous version of your application in Subversion, to help anyone who may be starting out with it and is lost.
  • Tmux: A Simple Start – In all likelihood, you’ve probably already heard of tmux. However, you may not be using it everyday. If tmux is on your “Someday” list because you think it is too complicated (I mean, c’mon, the word “multiplexer” is just plain scary), then I am here to show you just how easy it is to put tmux into your workflow.
  • Tyblog | Yet Another Vim Setup – Vim is an excellent text editor. I’ve used it for many years and like most vim users, have collected a fairly large collection of settings in my .vimrc and learned how to grok my vim usage effectively through a lot of trial and error. To that end, I’ve tried to assemble a useful overview of my experience with vim.