These are my links for 26 giu 2014 through 27 giu 2014:
- Best of VIM Tips, gVIM’s Key Features zzapper – zzapper 15 Years of Vi + 8+ years of Vim and still learning 06Jun14 : Last Update (Now in VIM Help Format :h helptags) ### These Tips are now being maintained at
- DMX Homepage – Typical X servers provide multi-head support for multiple displays attached to the same machine. When Xinerama is in use, these multiple displays are presented to the user as a single unified screen. Xdmx is proxy X server that provides multi-head support for multiple displays attached to different machines (each of which is running a typical X server). When Xinerama is used with Xdmx, the multiple displays on multiple machines are presented to the user as a single unified screen. A simple application for Xdmx would be to provide multi-head support using two desktop machines, each of which has a single display device attached to it. A complex application for Xdmx would be to unify a 4 by 4 grid of 1280×1024 displays (each attached to one of 16 computers) into a unified 5120×4096 display. Xdmx was developed and run under Linux (ia32 and x86_64) and has been tested with SGI Irix.
- ZenAlert, la piattaforma per il monitoraggio delle Internet of Things | @Aghenor – ZenAlert propone una metodologia di monitoraggio e comunicazione molto semplice che si basa su due segnali che gli oggetti inviano alla nostra piattaforma cloud based.
- HUBOT – What is Hubot? Hubot is your company's robot. Install him in your company to dramatically improve and reduce employee efficiency. No seriously, what is Hubot? GitHub, Inc., wrote the first version of Hubot to automate our company chat room. Hubot knew how to deploy the site, automate a lot of tasks, and be a source of fun in the company. Eventually he grew to become a formidable force in GitHub. But he led a private, messy life. So we rewrote him. Today's version of Hubot is open source, written in CoffeeScript on Node.js, and easily deployed on platforms like Heroku. More importantly, Hubot is a standardized way to share scripts between everyone's robots.
- How can we audit a MySQL server ? « Serge Frezefond ‘s blog – Auditing of a MySQL server activity is a request raised more and more often as compliance rules are more strict for companies. MySQL is used in more and more critical areas.