Bookmarks for 5 ago 2014 from 12:07 to 15:50

These are my links for 5 ago 2014 from 12:07 to 15:50:

  • · Procmail Quick Start: An introduction to email filtering with a focus on procmail by Nancy McGough – rocmail is free/libre open-source software that is both a mail processor and a mail delivery agent (MDA). It can be used by either a system administrator or a user to automatically process and deliver incoming mail messages. It can also be used to re-process and re-deliver messages that are already in a mailbox. This Procmail tutorial is aimed at regular users, not system administrators.
  • agentile/S3-Media-Storage – Store media library contents onto S3 without cron jobs. This is more ideal for multiple web server environments. Because of the logic surrounding WordPress media uploads and the availability/order in which hooks/actions surrounding media uploading, we cannot get away from temporarily storing the uploaded file in the uploads directory. What this plugin will be able to do is to take that uploaded file, move it to S3, and delete the local uploaded file all in the same request.
  • Using AWS S3 with WordPress for Media Asset Storage | Ian Massingham’s Blog – As you know I recently migrated this blog from Google’s Blogger service to a self hosted WordPress installation running on the AWS Cloud. Since then, I have been working on improving the resilience and scalability of the new platform by using a few additional AWS features. One of the things I have changed is to move media assets, such as images, from the EC2 instance that runs the WordPress application to be externally hosted on AWS S3.