These are my links for 22 mag 2015 through 29 mag 2015:
- Reducing PDF file-size in Linux | The Road to Elysium – The other day I downloaded a PDF that ended up being a whole lot bigger than I thought. A “whopping” 230MB, which is another deal compared to the 30MB PDF’s that I’m accustomed to. So how to reduce the file-size? Ghostscript to the rescue!
- Automate tmux sessions with tmuxinator – For those of us who spend a lot of time at a terminal, tmux is almost always part of our standard arsenal of tools. In my quest to make tmux a little more flexible, I came across tmuxinator today.
- About ShellCheck – ShellCheck is a static analysis and linting tool for sh/bash scripts. It's mainly focused on handling typical beginner and intermediate level syntax errors and pitfalls where the shell just gives a cryptic error message or strange behavior, but it also reports on a few more advanced issues where corner cases can cause delayed failures.