Bookmarks for 15 mar 2017

These are my links for 15 mar 2017

  • EasyEngine – Easy WordPress Nginx – EasyEngine (ee) is a linux shell-script to manage your WordPress-Nginx websites on Ubuntu and Debian server.
  • fresh – Keep your dot files fresh – fresh is a tool to source shell configuration (aliases, functions, etc) from others into your own configuration files. We also support files such as ackrc and gitconfig. Think of it as Bundler for your dot files.
  • Cloud Orchestration & Cloud Automation the DevOps Way | Cloudify – Orchestrate Real Apps on the Cloud with Cloudify Achieve a smooth transition to the cloud and easy automation of even the most complex applications throughout their entire lifecycle with Cloudify. Orchestrate the creation of the whole cloud infrastructure required for your application, starting from compute resources all the way down to networks and block storage devices. Cloudify will then deploy your applications to the cloud (OpenStack, VMWare vSphere, or even bare metal like Softlayer), monitor their progress and scale them when needed. With Cloudify, you won’t be locked in to any one cloud provider or one type of cloud; deploy the same application in your own data center or on the cloud of your choice using your favorite automation and configuration management tools. Monitor, manage and scale your application with Cloudify, whatever the topology or technology stack.
  • BLACKLISTALERT.ORG – Email Problem ? – Test if your IP or DOMAIN is blacklisted in a spamdatabase – Undelivered Email ? – Test if your IP or DOMAIN is blacklisted in a spamdatabse.
  • Ridiculously simple NTLM Authentication for Apache (Ubuntu) | Kieran Barnes-Lucas
    We all know Ubuntu makes things amazingly simple. This is the best I’ve found so far. NTLM authentication in Apache used to take a while to setup, it used to be tricky, fiddly – generally a bit hit and miss.