Bookmarks for 8 lug 2014 through 11 lug 2014
These are my links for 8 lug 2014 through 11 lug 2014: Tips & Tricks for the Command line of Linux – – I have marked with a * those which I think are absolutely essential Items for each section are sorted by oldest to newest. Come back soon for more! Naming Schemes –…
Bookmarks for 3 lug 2014 through 8 lug 2014
These are my links for 3 lug 2014 through 8 lug 2014: Top 5 Atom Editor features and tweaks | – un blog critico su Linux Ubuntu, Tecnologia e altro – Hemingway – Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear. Hemingway highlights long, complex sentences and common errors; if you see a yellow…
Bookmarks for 2 lug 2014 through 3 lug 2014
These are my links for 2 lug 2014 through 3 lug 2014: Jsfmt – For formatting, searching, and rewriting javascript – For formatting, searching, and rewriting javascript. [ via ] dalen/puppet-puppetdbquery – This module implements command line tools and Puppet functions that can be used to query puppetdb. There's also a hiera backend that…
Bookmarks for 27 giu 2014 through 30 giu 2014
These are my links for 27 giu 2014 through 30 giu 2014: Fritzing Fritzing – Fritzing is an open-source hardware initiative that makes electronics accessible as a creative material for anyone. We offer a software tool, a community website and services in the spirit of Processing and Arduino, fostering a creative ecosystem that allows users…
Bookmarks for 26 giu 2014 through 27 giu 2014
These are my links for 26 giu 2014 through 27 giu 2014: Best of VIM Tips, gVIM’s Key Features zzapper – zzapper 15 Years of Vi + 8+ years of Vim and still learning 06Jun14 : Last Update (Now in VIM Help Format :h helptags) ### These Tips are now being maintained at DMX…