geekism and nerdism

  • Bookmarks for 22 giu 2014 through 23 giu 2014

    These are my links for 22 giu 2014 through 23 giu 2014: TCnext | Site dedicated to the next "truecrypt" – is the gathering place for all up-to-date information.  If really is dead, we will try to organize a future. #UnethicalHacks – These are satire. Don't be a sociopath, k? IT Security and…

  • Bookmarks for 4 giu 2014 through 18 giu 2014

    These are my links for 4 giu 2014 through 18 giu 2014: Bash: parsing arguments with ‘getopts’ | rsalveti’s random thoughts – Today I was writing some scripts, and in every script I wanted something to handle all input arguments, in a good way, so I could pass my arguments in any order and my…

  • Bookmarks for 15 mag 2014 through 2 giu 2014

    These are my links for 15 mag 2014 through 2 giu 2014: Babun | A windows shell you will love! – Would you like to use a linux-like console on a Windows host without a lot of fuzz? Try out babun! OpenSSH – Wikibooks, open books for an open world – The OpenSSH suite provides…

  • Bookmarks for 6 mag 2014 through 15 mag 2014

    These are my links for 6 mag 2014 through 15 mag 2014: Send ePub to Kindle – What is my Send-to-Kindle email address? Your Send-to-Kindle email address is a unique email address assigned to your Kindle device or reading app when it is registered. Each Kindle device or reading app has its own email address.…

  • Bookmarks for 30 apr 2014 through 6 mag 2014

    These are my links for 30 apr 2014 through 6 mag 2014: Ralentir le débit de postfix pour wanadoo/orange – Le blog de Michauko – Si vous avez un serveur d’envoi de mails (je ne parle pas d’être un spammeur) et beaucoup d’abonnés chez Wanadoo et Orange, vous risquez fort le rejet temporaire de votre…