Bookmarks for 6 dic 2012 through 14 dic 2012
These are my links for 6 dic 2012 through 14 dic 2012: Native Cisco VPN on Mac OS X – With Group Password Decoder! – The proprietary CiscoVPN Mac client is somewhat buggy. It is possible to use the IPSec VPN software included with Mac OS X instead. This tutorial shows you how to migrate…
Bookmarks for 5 dic 2012 through 6 dic 2012
These are my links for 5 dic 2012 through 6 dic 2012: Controllare il traffico aereo e navale su Google Maps con Flightradar24 e Marinetraffic – Se volete vedere in tempo reale dove si trova un aereo o una nave, esistono diversi strumenti sia da web che tramite l’uso di un’applicazione per smartphone e Tablet.…
Bookmarks for 29 nov 2012 from 15:24 to 16:55
These are my links for 29 nov 2012 from 15:24 to 16:55: PowerShell Commands (CMDLETs) for Active Directory by Quest – The ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory is a set of free, predefined commands for Windows PowerShell, the powerful command line and scripting language developed by Microsoft. These commands are designed to help administrators automate…
Bookmarks for 26 nov 2012 from 11:25 to 11:26
These are my links for 26 nov 2012 from 11:25 to 11:26: Betavine Connection Manager | Mobile Apps Developer | Vodafone – Betavine Connection Manager aims to be an easy to use, full featured mobile broadband manager application, supporting as many devices, operating systems and distributions as possible, while providing a decoupled, easy-to-reuse and standards…
Bookmarks for 6 nov 2012 through 13 nov 2012
These are my links for 6 nov 2012 through 13 nov 2012: Howto: Change the IP address of a Dell 4/P DRAC from the command line without rebooting the server – Normally you configure a Dell Remote Access Card (DRAC) when a server is initially commissioned. Once the card is set, administrators rarely if ever…