geekism and nerdism

  • Bookmarks for 2 nov 2012 from 15:23 to 18:09

    These are my links for 2 nov 2012 from 15:23 to 18:09: USEFUL ONE-LINE SCRIPTS FOR SED – (Unix stream editor) Dec. 29, 2005 Compiled by Eric Pement – pemente[at]northpark[dot]edu version 5.5 IBM devscan tool – United States – The devscan tool is a supplemental tool used by AIX support personnel to gather debugging data…

  • Bookmarks for 2 nov 2012 from 11:31 to 12:17

    These are my links for 2 nov 2012 from 11:31 to 12:17: Import Windows XP Mode into VirtualBox – while maintaining product activation: jq – jq is like sed for JSON data – you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep…

  • Bookmarks for 26 ott 2012 through 1 nov 2012

    These are my links for 26 ott 2012 through 1 nov 2012: – Stream video or music, whenever and wherever you want Do you want to stream video or audio from U.S.-based on-demand Internet streaming media providers but can't get in on the fun because you're living outside the U.S.? Fear not, you have…

  • Bookmarks for 22 ott 2012 through 23 ott 2012

    These are my links for 22 ott 2012 through 23 ott 2012: Can’t SSH into ASA? « Axelilly’s Ponderings – Something strange happened today when I went to SSH into my ASA cluster. Upon running ssh I got this error message: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host Ubuntu Linux Resources – It's a collection of…

  • Bookmarks for 11 ott 2012 through 15 ott 2012

    These are my links for 11 ott 2012 through 15 ott 2012: MQTT and Arduino Devices – IBM Redbooks – The number of different types of devices that can benefit from MQTT implementations is growing every day. This paper shows how to use MQTT directly from the Arduino platform. [PDF] MQTT: MQ Telemetry Transport –…