Bookmarks for 2 nov 2012 from 15:23 to 18:09
These are my links for 2 nov 2012 from 15:23 to 18:09: USEFUL ONE-LINE SCRIPTS FOR SED – (Unix stream editor) Dec. 29, 2005 Compiled by Eric Pement – pemente[at]northpark[dot]edu version 5.5 IBM devscan tool – United States – The devscan tool is a supplemental tool used by AIX support personnel to gather debugging data…
Bookmarks for 2 nov 2012 from 11:31 to 12:17
These are my links for 2 nov 2012 from 11:31 to 12:17: Import Windows XP Mode into VirtualBox – while maintaining product activation: jq – jq is like sed for JSON data – you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep…
Bookmarks for 26 ott 2012 through 1 nov 2012
These are my links for 26 ott 2012 through 1 nov 2012: – Stream video or music, whenever and wherever you want Do you want to stream video or audio from U.S.-based on-demand Internet streaming media providers but can't get in on the fun because you're living outside the U.S.? Fear not, you have…
Bookmarks for 22 ott 2012 through 23 ott 2012
These are my links for 22 ott 2012 through 23 ott 2012: Can’t SSH into ASA? « Axelilly’s Ponderings – Something strange happened today when I went to SSH into my ASA cluster. Upon running ssh I got this error message: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host Ubuntu Linux Resources – It's a collection of…
Bookmarks for 11 ott 2012 through 15 ott 2012
These are my links for 11 ott 2012 through 15 ott 2012: MQTT and Arduino Devices – IBM Redbooks – The number of different types of devices that can benefit from MQTT implementations is growing every day. This paper shows how to use MQTT directly from the Arduino platform. [PDF] MQTT: MQ Telemetry Transport –…