geekism and nerdism

  • Bookmarks for 9 mar 2011 through 14 mar 2011

    These are my links for 9 mar 2011 through 14 mar 2011: Photivo – Photivo is a free and open source photo processor. It handles your RAW files as well as your bitmap files in a non-destructive 16 bit processing pipe with gimp workflow integration and batch mode. 500 Internal Server Error – 500 Internal…

  • Bookmarks for 3 mar 2011 through 9 mar 2011

    These are my links for 3 mar 2011 through 9 mar 2011: Viewer for Microsoft Project files – MOOS Project Viewer is a viewer for Microsoft® Project that allows you to open, view in a dynamic way and print any Microsoft® Project file. It is running on any Java enabled platform including Windows®, Mac OS…

  • Bookmarks for 28 feb 2011 through 3 mar 2011

    These are my links for 28 feb 2011 through 3 mar 2011: Installing Oracle11 on Debian – The main goal is to get the Oracle installer to run so you can install Oracle successfully. This application has to run within X windows. We will use vnc for that, this is not necessary, but you may…

  • Bookmarks for 23 feb 2011 through 28 feb 2011

    These are my links for 23 feb 2011 through 28 feb 2011: Openfiler 2.3 Active/Passive Cluster (heartbeat,DRBD) With … – […] Openfiler is a Linux based NAS/SAN application which can deliver storage over nfs/smb/iscsi and ftp. It has a web interface over that you can control these services. The howto is based on the Howto from…

  • La MicroSoft-izzazione di IBM

    Questa è una di quelle storie che fa ridere solo il sottoscritto ma mi pareva ugualmente carino condividere. Da qualche giorno l’installazione del TSM di un cliente mi da parecchi pensieri, Tivoli è Il sistema di backup di classe enterprise e tendenzialmente vive di vita propria, basta dargli in pasto qualche cassetta ogni tanto, un…