Bookmarks for 2 nov 2010 through 3 nov 2010
These are my links for 2 nov 2010 through 3 nov 2010: Avviare e spegnere macchine virtuali vmware esxi da riga di comando – VMWare ESXi è senz’alcun dubbio un bell’hypervisor di virtualizzazione, permette di avere “a gratis” un software di virtualizzazione robusto e dalle ottime prestazioni, purtroppo però manca di alcune funzioni, come, ad…
Bookmarks for 20 ott 2010 through 2 nov 2010
These are my links for 20 ott 2010 through 2 nov 2010: Software :: SendEmail – Send email with this free command line email client – SendEmail is a lightweight, command line SMTP email client. If you have the need to send email from a command line, this free program is perfect: simple to use…
Bookmarks for 7 ott 2010 through 20 ott 2010
These are my links for 7 ott 2010 through 20 ott 2010: CSS + XHTML Table Generator | WebmasterCorey – Qink | Free Books – A lot of people keep asking about a good list of programming books. Hence, we are building this list to save your time and to spread the knowledge.<br /> <br…
Bookmarks for 6 ott 2010 from 16:37 to 17:55
These are my links for 6 ott 2010 from 16:37 to 17:55: – ntbackup resources – […] This site was set up to help system administrators, users of ntbackup and users of the popular ntbackup scheduling program BackupAssist.<br /> <br /> It's the only site with:<br /> <br /> a comprehensive listing of Microsoft's…
Bookmarks for 5 ott 2010 through 6 ott 2010
These are my links for 5 ott 2010 through 6 ott 2010: DNS e Postfix: come non generare "spam" | Kreations Collective – […]Ho recentemente configurato alcuni server per l’invio di email. Parte del lavoro ha riguardato la corretta configurazione di Postfix e del server DNS per evitare che le email inviate venissero rilevate come…