Bookmarks for 30 gen 2010 through 7 feb 2010
These are my links for 30 gen 2010 through 7 feb 2010: flashrom – flashrom is a utility for identifying, reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash chips. It's often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images. via ossblog glype proxy script – free anonymous proxies list – Glype proxy script is a free-to-use, web-based proxy script written…
Bookmarks for 26 gen 2010 through 30 gen 2010
These are my links for 26 gen 2010 through 30 gen 2010: Network monitoring with Nagios and OpenBSD – Una guida in italiano all'installazione configurazione di nagios sotto BSD UNIX Performance Management – The purpose of this paper is to introduce the performance analyst to some of the free tools available to monitor and manage…
Bookmarks for 18 gen 2010 from 17:06 to 23:41
These are my links for 18 gen 2010 from 17:06 to 23:41: Samba e Active Directory .:. – Unire una macchina Linux (*BSD, Solaris, …) a un dominio (Active Directory) Windows talvolta è comodo, talvolta è utile, talvolta è necessario. Per ottenere questo risultato si usa Samba. Squid e autenticazione su Active Directory .:.…