
  • Bookmarks for 24 Mar 2016 through 25 Mar 2016

    These are my links for 24 Mar 2016 through 25 Mar 2016: Coderwall | Dump all variables – For debugging purposes it can be useful to not just dump hostvars but also all other variables and group information. You can do this using a jinja template which you could include in a debug task Using…

  • Bookmarks for 28 nov 2014 through 1 dic 2014

    These are my links for 28 nov 2014 through 1 dic 2014: SIAMO GEEK – Sperimentatori, entusiasti della tecnologia | Rigenerare le chiavi ssh – Quanto è vecchia la vostra chiave ssh? Rigenerare le chiavi ssh usate per collegarsi ai server è una rottura di scatole, ma potrebbe essere una rottura di molte unità di…

  • Bookmarks for 28 ott 2014 through 29 ott 2014

    These are my links for 28 ott 2014 through 29 ott 2014: High Performance Browser Networking – Enjoy this free online version of High Performance Browser Networking. Purchase and download the DRM-free ebook on AWS Tips I Wish I’d Known Before I Started – W(e)blinks – A collection of random tips for Amazon Web…

  • Bookmarks for 29 lug 2014 from 19:48 to 20:16

    These are my links for 29 lug 2014 from 19:48 to 20:16: FhGFS Wiki: Tips and Recommendations for Storage Server Tuning – Here are some tips and recommendations on how to improve the performance of your storage servers. As usual, the optimal settings depend on your particular hardware and usage scenarios, so you should use…