
  • Bookmarks for 26 Mar 2016 through 29 Mar 2016

    These are my links for 26 Mar 2016 through 29 Mar 2016: Painless Immutable Infrastructure with Ansible and AWS | Radify Blog – […] In our blog posts Reducing Infrustration and Immutable Demo Nodes, we talk about our approach to immutable infrastructure and the benefits we have seen from employing this approach. In this article,…

  • Bookmarks for 24 Mar 2016 through 25 Mar 2016

    These are my links for 24 Mar 2016 through 25 Mar 2016: Coderwall | Dump all variables – For debugging purposes it can be useful to not just dump hostvars but also all other variables and group information. You can do this using a jinja template which you could include in a debug task Using…

  • Bookmarks for 8 Mar 2016 through 14 Mar 2016

    These are my links for 8 Mar 2016 through 14 Mar 2016: Zsoldier’s Tech Blog: Add Portgroups/VLANs to vmware standard switches via PowerCLI – Wrote a simple little script to insert a portgroup into a targeted vSwitch of all VM hosts in a targeted cluster. This is not an issue if you use distributed vSwitches.…

  • Bookmarks for 18 nov 2015 through 24 nov 2015

    These are my links for 18 nov 2015 through 24 nov 2015: Come suddividere il log di WordPress in file separati tramite Apache – Otherplus Tech – Quando usiamo WordPress su un server Apache siamo quasi sempre abituati ad avere un solo file di log per gli accessi del nostro sito e alcune volte due file…

  • Bookmarks for 16 giu 2015 through 19 giu 2015

    These are my links for 16 giu 2015 through 19 giu 2015: 10 Things You Should Know About AWS – High Scalability – – Ahead of the upcoming 2nd annual re:Invent conference, inspired by Simone Brunozzi’s recent presentation at an AWS Meetup in San Francisco, and collected from a few of my recent consulting engagements, I’ve…