
  • Bookmarks for 5 ago 2014 from 12:07 to 15:50

    These are my links for 5 ago 2014 from 12:07 to 15:50: · Procmail Quick Start: An introduction to email filtering with a focus on procmail by Nancy McGough – rocmail is free/libre open-source software that is both a mail processor and a mail delivery agent (MDA). It can be used by either a…

  • Bookmarks for 30 lug 2014 through 5 ago 2014

    These are my links for 30 lug 2014 through 5 ago 2014: Cloud, Big Data and Mobile: FAQ: Scaling WordPress in AWS – Cloud, Big Data and Mobile: Architecting an Highly Available and Scalable WordPress Site in AWS – Provide some architectural insights to build Highly Scalable and Available WordPress sites in AWS Help startups…

  • Bookmarks for 28 set 2013 through 30 set 2013

    These are my links for 28 set 2013 through 30 set 2013: Duck DNS – Duck DNS is a free service which will point a DNS (sub domains of to an IP of your choice via VirtualBox: i portali dove scaricare macchine virtuali VDI di Linux e Microsoft Windows – How to Create…

  • Bookmarks for 13 ago 2012 from 13:00 to 15:00

    These are my links for 13 ago 2012 from 13:00 to 15:00: Relaxing rain audio for work, play and sleep – Fake S3 – Save time, money, and develop offline « – Amazon S3 is a extremely powerful service at the core of Amazon Web Services. However, outside of a production environment, S3 can be…