
  • Bookmarks for 26 mag 2012 through 28 mag 2012

    These are my links for 26 mag 2012 through 28 mag 2012: gitso – Gitso is to support others. – Google Project Hosting – Gitso is a frontend to reverse VNC connections. It is meant to be a simple two-step process that connects one person to another's screen. First, the support person offers to give…

  • Bookmarks for 25 mag 2012 from 16:47 to 18:38

    These are my links for 25 mag 2012 from 16:47 to 18:38: Tony’s VMware Site – I have assembled a package which you can download which will allow you to have Sound, Network, and CD ROM in your Windows For Workgroups 3.11 Virtual Machine.  I also have found a copy of Netscape 4.0 which will…

  • Bookmarks for 9 lug 2010 through 15 lug 2010

    These are my links for 9 lug 2010 through 15 lug 2010: Free online OCR – A Tcpdump Tutorial and Primer | – Tcpdump is the premier network analysis tool for information security professionals. Having a solid grasp of this über-powerful application is mandatory for anyone desiring a thorough understanding of TCP/IP. Many prefer…

  • Bookmarks for 8 gen 2010 through 11 gen 2010

    These are my links for 8 gen 2010 through 11 gen 2010: Prezi – The zooming presentation editor – via Stupid WordPress Tricks • Perishable Press – One of the most popular articles here at Perishable Press is my January 2005 post, Stupid htaccess Tricks. In that article, I bring together an extensive collection…