
  • Bookmarks for 3 lug 2014 through 8 lug 2014

    These are my links for 3 lug 2014 through 8 lug 2014: Top 5 Atom Editor features and tweaks | – un blog critico su Linux Ubuntu, Tecnologia e altro – Hemingway – Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear. Hemingway highlights long, complex sentences and common errors; if you see a yellow…

  • Bookmarks for 27 giu 2014 through 30 giu 2014

    These are my links for 27 giu 2014 through 30 giu 2014: Fritzing Fritzing – Fritzing is an open-source hardware initiative that makes electronics accessible as a creative material for anyone. We offer a software tool, a community website and services in the spirit of Processing and Arduino, fostering a creative ecosystem that allows users…

  • Bookmarks for 30 apr 2014 through 6 mag 2014

    These are my links for 30 apr 2014 through 6 mag 2014: Ralentir le débit de postfix pour wanadoo/orange – Le blog de Michauko – Si vous avez un serveur d’envoi de mails (je ne parle pas d’être un spammeur) et beaucoup d’abonnés chez Wanadoo et Orange, vous risquez fort le rejet temporaire de votre…

  • Bookmarks for 23 gen 2014 through 24 gen 2014

    These are my links for 23 gen 2014 through 24 gen 2014: Pancake HTTP Server – What is Pancake? Pancake is a lightweight and modern HTTP server that comes with its own PHP Server API and interfaces for FastCGI and AJP13. With its modern server architecture Pancake is capable of handling very high concurrency loads…

  • Bookmarks for 10 dic 2013 through 19 dic 2013

    These are my links for 10 dic 2013 through 19 dic 2013: Private group chat and IM, business and team collaboration – HipChat – Group chat and IM built for teams. PERSISTENT CHAT ROOMS + DRAG-AND-DROP FILE SHARING + DESKTOP, MOBILE, AND WEB APPS kandanapp/kandan · GitHub – What is Kandan? Kandan is a private…