
  • Bookmarks for 12 mar 2015 through 18 mar 2015

    These are my links for 12 mar 2015 through 18 mar 2015: OpenSSL Essentials: Working with SSL Certificates, Private Keys and CSRs | DigitalOcean – OpenSSL is a versatile command line tool that can be used for a large variety of tasks related to Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and HTTPS (HTTP over TLS). This cheat…

  • Bookmarks for 8 nov 2011 from 15:36 to 21:57

    These are my links for 8 nov 2011 from 15:36 to 21:57: 10 Ruby One Liners to Impress Your Friends – Someone came up with a list of 10 one-liner examples that are meant to showcase Scala’s expressiveness. A CoffeeScript version quickly emerged, so I thought I’d publish a Ruby one. I find Ruby’s syntax…

  • Bookmarks for 8 nov 2010 through 10 nov 2010

    These are my links for 8 nov 2010 through 10 nov 2010: TOra – TOra is an open-source multi-platform database management GUI that supports accessing most of the common database platforms in use, including Oracle, MySQL, and Postgres, as well as limited support for any target that can be accessed through Qt's ODBC support. TOra…

  • Bookmarks for 24 set 2010 through 28 set 2010

    These are my links for 24 set 2010 through 28 set 2010: xCAT – Extreme Cloud Administration Toolkit – xCAT offers complete and ideal management for HPC clusters, RenderFarms, Grids, WebFarms, Online Gaming Infrastructure, Clouds, Datacenters, and whatever tomorrow's buzzwords may be. It is agile, extendable, and based on years of system administration best practices…