
  • Bookmarks for 9 dic 2014 through 11 dic 2014

    These are my links for 9 dic 2014 through 11 dic 2014: The WordPress wp-config File: A Comprehensive Guide – WPMU DEV – The WordPress configuration file, also known as wp-config.php, is most frequently used to set up a database connection and is then forgotten. Despite its neglected nature, it is a powerhouse of features and…

  • Bookmarks for 10 apr 2014 through 15 apr 2014

    These are my links for 10 apr 2014 through 15 apr 2014: ditaa – ditaa is a small command-line utility written in Java, that can convert diagrams drawn using ascii art ('drawings' that contain characters that resemble lines like | / – ), into proper bitmap graphics. This is best illustrated by the following example…

  • Bookmarks for 10 ott 2012 from 00:36 to 00:57

    These are my links for 10 ott 2012 from 00:36 to 00:57: miracle2k/emma · GitHub – Emma is a graphical toolkit for MySQL database developers and administrators. It provides dialogs to create or modify MySQL databases, tables, and associated indexes. The results of an executed query are displayed in a resultset where the record data…

  • Bookmarks for 28 ago 2011 from 10:48 to 11:35

    These are my links for 28 ago 2011 from 10:48 to 11:35: Integrating iTop with Nagios – itop – This page explains how to integrate iTop and Nagios. Through this integration:<br /> Nagios alarms are turned into Incident tickets in iTop<br /> The details of the Nagios status for a device is visible directly…