
  • Bookmarks for 16 Dic 2015 through 21 Dic 2015

    These are my links for 16 Dic 2015 through 21 Dic 2015: 29 questions to ask yourself if you’re in devops | – A few days ago, I had an opportunity to meet and interact with Mike Place, who works as a developer at Saltstack. We had an interesting conversation about devops and how…

  • Bookmarks for 27 feb 2015 through 28 feb 2015

    These are my links for 27 feb 2015 through 28 feb 2015: Excel: dieci errori da non fare – Excel è un programma molto utile, che fa risparmiare un sacco di tempo e di fatica a chi lo usa correttamente, ma che può facilmente trasformarsi in un buco nero del nostro tempo se usato male.…