
  • Bookmarks for 23 lug 2012 from 14:20 to 14:37

    These are my links for 23 lug 2012 from 14:20 to 14:37: Nagrestconf README – What is Nagrestconf? Nagrestconf is a REST interface and configuration GUI for Nagios. Nagrestconf is written in Bash and PHP. Specifically, Nagrestconf: allows Nagios configuration files to be written using a REST api. allows the server to be restarted using…

  • Bookmarks for 19 lug 2012 through 20 lug 2012

    These are my links for 19 lug 2012 through 20 lug 2012: Mail server statistics – The statistics are based on completely anonymous information and were performed using randomly chosen IP addresses. When connecting to a mail server defined as an MX in the domain configuration, it can reply in a different number of ways.…