
  • Bookmarks for 3 lug 2014 through 8 lug 2014

    These are my links for 3 lug 2014 through 8 lug 2014: Top 5 Atom Editor features and tweaks | – un blog critico su Linux Ubuntu, Tecnologia e altro – Hemingway – Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear. Hemingway highlights long, complex sentences and common errors; if you see a yellow…

  • Bookmarks for 19 feb 2013 through 22 feb 2013

    These are my links for 19 feb 2013 through 22 feb 2013: Arduino OSC step by step howto | what the blog? – This tutorial provide step by step that help you to  setup a OSC ready Arduino which allows you to send instruction to your Arduino wirelessly from your iOS/Android device by using TouchOSC.…