
  • Bookmarks for 5 mag 2011 from 16:24 to 18:02

    These are my links for 5 mag 2011 from 16:24 to 18:02: Windows Server 2003 Tools – On this page you'll find downloadable tools that will help you support Windows Server 2003 systems. Debian Ajenti 0.4 – Writing a plugin for Ajenti- GitHub – Downloading and running Ajenti – GitHub – Eugeny’s – Il tumblr…

  • Bookmarks for 22 apr 2011 through 23 apr 2011

    These are my links for 22 apr 2011 through 23 apr 2011: 500 Internal Server Error – 500 Internal Server Error Squid + NTLM authentication failing in a Windows 2008 Domain Environment – AIX Integration in to Active Directory – ntegrating an AIX system in to Active Directory is not entirely straight forward.  Integration in…

  • Bookmarks for 9 mar 2011 through 14 mar 2011

    These are my links for 9 mar 2011 through 14 mar 2011: Photivo – Photivo is a free and open source photo processor. It handles your RAW files as well as your bitmap files in a non-destructive 16 bit processing pipe with gimp workflow integration and batch mode. 500 Internal Server Error – 500 Internal…

  • Bookmarks for 18 nov 2010 through 22 nov 2010

    These are my links for 18 nov 2010 through 22 nov 2010: proXPN – Create a FREE VPN Account – Secure your internet connection … – What proXPN does…<br /> upgrades your internet connection with VPN encryption<br /> secures all types of connections from DSL and cable to 3G<br /> gives you 100% private access…

  • Bookmarks for 4 nov 2010 through 8 nov 2010

    These are my links for 4 nov 2010 through 8 nov 2010: newswall is a tool to display feeds and e-mails. – Just like on a "news wall" all messages – sorted by date and time – show up in small blocks, if possible together with an image. That way it is easy to find…