
  • Bookmarks for 25 ago 2014 from 15:03 to 17:25

    These are my links for 25 ago 2014 from 15:03 to 17:25: Passwordless – A node.js/express module for token-based logins – Token-based authentication middleware for Express & Node.js […] Passwords are broken. Inspired by Justin Balthrop's article Passwords are Obsolete token-based one-time password (OTPW) authentication is faster to deploy, better for your users, and more…

  • Bookmarks for 23 gen 2014 from 12:32 to 13:23

    These are my links for 23 gen 2014 from 12:32 to 13:23: Homepage – A collection of task oriented solutions in Puppet Ori File System – Ori is a distributed file system built for offline operation and empowers the user with control over synchronization operations and conflict resolution. We provide history through light weight snapshots…

  • Bookmarks for 17 gen 2013 from 12:08 to 14:17

    These are my links for 17 gen 2013 from 12:08 to 14:17: grml.org – Debian Live system / CD for sysadmins and texttool-users – What is Grml? Grml is a bootable live system (Live-CD) based on Debian. Grml includes a collection of GNU/Linux software especially for system administrators. Users don't have to install anything on…