
  • Bookmarks for 14 ott 2014 through 15 ott 2014

    These are my links for 14 ott 2014 through 15 ott 2014: terminal.sexy – Terminal Color Scheme Designer – A web app to help you design a colour theme for your terminal, with support for Xresources, Termite and iTerm 2. [ via http://onethingwell.org/post/99402033490/terminal-color-scheme-designer ] 11 online Puppet resources you should know – Many people asks,…

  • Bookmarks for 29 ago 2014 through 1 set 2014

    These are my links for 29 ago 2014 through 1 set 2014: Scaling PHP apps via PHP-FPM clustering | Jamie Alquiza – PHP-FPM is a way to move your busted PHP handling from one place to another. It's essentially a pool of processes ready for PHP interpretation through FastCGI. While Apache will service client connections…

  • Bookmarks for 28 ago 2014 from 12:10 to 13:11

    These are my links for 28 ago 2014 from 12:10 to 13:11: CloudInit – Community Help Wiki – cloud-init is the Ubuntu package that handles early initialization of a cloud instance. It is installed in the Ubuntu Cloud Images and also in the official Ubuntu images available on EC2. Some of the things it configures…

  • Bookmarks for 26 ago 2014 from 13:53 to 15:35

    These are my links for 26 ago 2014 from 13:53 to 15:35: Petr’s blog about Linux: Systemd Cheatsheet – List of IXPs – Euro-IX – List of known IXPS around the globe Cloud Orchestration & Cloud Automation the DevOps Way | Cloudify – Orchestrate Real Apps on the Cloud with Cloudify Achieve a smooth transition…

  • Bookmarks for 18 ago 2014 through 25 ago 2014

    These are my links for 18 ago 2014 through 25 ago 2014: Spark | Open source IoT toolkit – You want your connected product to be smart, right? Give it an operating system designed for the Internet of Things. Spark OS is a distributed operating system, where servers in the Cloud do the heavy lifting.…