Bookmarks for 28 nov 2014 through 1 dic 2014
These are my links for 28 nov 2014 through 1 dic 2014: SIAMO GEEK – Sperimentatori, entusiasti della tecnologia | Rigenerare le chiavi ssh – Quanto è vecchia la vostra chiave ssh? Rigenerare le chiavi ssh usate per collegarsi ai server è una rottura di scatole, ma potrebbe essere una rottura di molte unità di…
Bookmarks for 5 nov 2014 through 14 nov 2014
These are my links for 5 nov 2014 through 14 nov 2014: Build Cheat Sheets and Share Your Favourites! – Cheat Sheets For Every Occasion – Cheatography is a cheat sheet generator and repository where you can build and share cheat sheets and quick references. tmux the terminal multiplexer Cheat Sheet by bechtold –…
Bookmarks for 28 ott 2014 through 29 ott 2014
These are my links for 28 ott 2014 through 29 ott 2014: High Performance Browser Networking – Enjoy this free online version of High Performance Browser Networking. Purchase and download the DRM-free ebook on AWS Tips I Wish I’d Known Before I Started – W(e)blinks – A collection of random tips for Amazon Web…
Bookmarks for 15 set 2014 through 17 set 2014
These are my links for 15 set 2014 through 17 set 2014: jipegit/OSXAuditor – OS X Auditor is a free Mac OS X computer forensics tool Setup for streaming live events to browser clients using Nginx, FMLE, and FlowPlayer – Low End Box – Have you been into a situation where you wanted to stream…
Bookmarks for 4 set 2014 through 5 set 2014
These are my links for 4 set 2014 through 5 set 2014: tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect – Restore tmux environment after a system restart. Tmux is great, except when you have to restart the computer. You lose all the running programs, working directories, pane layouts etc. There are helpful management tools out there, but they require initial configuration…